taken away

stones cling creek bottom
as cool water murmurs past
stress taken away


Tammie Lee said...


Al said...

Now I want to sit by a local stream for an hour. Nice haiku!

Anonymous said...

love the sound of a running stream or babbling brook...

beautiful video on your sidebar, too... I have a love for old barns =)

Kateri said...

That is lovely! So nice to have you back in the blogging world!

Naquillity said...

thanks everyone for stopping by and leaving such kind comments.

@Tammie... thanks. i enjoy seeing your creations as well.

@Al... sitting by your local stream sounds nice. don't forget to photograph it while you're there, :)

@Tricia... thanks so much. your barn photos are incredible. i truly enjoy visiting to see the latest. you have a nice collection.

@Kateri... thanks. it's good to be back too. i didn't realize how much i'd missed this.

hope everyone's enjoying what's left of the weekend...

Carver said...

That's wonderful. Reminds me of where I walked yesterday.

Naquillity said...

thanks Carver~ i still wish we could go on that walk together one day, :) good night~

christina said...


Naquillity said...

thanks Christina~ glad you could stop by...

Mary said...

Isn't it wonderful how nature can remove our stress. We sure need it! If you have any specific quilting questions, feel free to email me. I think I lost your email address.

Naquillity said...

good morning Mary~ yes, it's great how it can relieve your stress. i'd love to talk sewing with you when i have a question. my email is:

naquillity at hotmail dot com

Tumblewords: said...

Perfect! So glad you're back!

Naquillity said...

thanks Tumblewords~ it's good to be back... hope all is well. have a great night~