Speed Dial~

A little over two months ago was my last blog post... ouch... where has my time gone?? My life has been on speed dial since August and doesn't look to be slowing down much at all. I've been at the hospital doing cardio rehab three times a week when something else doesn't interfere. And, it's paying off as i've lost three pounds exercising and watching my food portions. Biggest thing is my tiredness is going away and I have energy to do the things I want & need to do.

I've also been learning how to coupon. Yes, you heard that right: couponing... For years money burned a hole in my pocket... my hands itched to turn money over to anyone willing to take it for something I didn't really need or in some cases really didn't want. Now, after taking a financial peace class earlier this year and learning how to coupon I can safely say I've learned to hold onto my money. I have saved almost $800 this year alone. My goal is to hit $1,000 before years end. If I don't spend any of my money between now and Christmas I will be $43 short of reaching my goal. Not bad for someone who couldn't save a dime...

Lastly, I've had more computer woes in these last two months than all year long... My computer had a virus or trojan that crashed my computer. My husband worked on it for a month trying to restore it back to normal but in the end he had to take it to someone and have them reset it to factory settings... When I finally got everything back the way I wanted the internet started running slow and ultimately our provider (Windstream) had a mass internet outage. Just got the internet back up and running the other day~

This month I have two photos hanging in our local gallery alongside other wonderful photographers. Last month I had three. It's been a different experience for me to print my photos for a showing like this each month but a very good learning curve. Seems something different happens with each printing. Today I'll be reading my poetry for an open mic downtown. Exciting times for sure. Let me know in the comments below what's been going on in your neighborhood??


Introverted Art said...

So glad to see you back!!! Life can be crazy at times, but it is nice to see you found some time for your blog friends :)

Travis Cody said...

Good for you for learning a new skill that helps you with fiscal awareness.

Unknown said...

Good to hear things are taking a positive turn for you. Hope the poetry reading goes well.

Rose said...

Glad to see you are back...not much going on in our world. Granddaughter is growing up too fast for us. Fall colors are gone...looks wintry this day.

I saw where you were having spam problems. Also see you are using word verification. Did you try setting to registered users only? Since I went with that, I very seldom have spam...and I have it set for me to moderate after 10 days.

If nothing else, I would at least get rid of the word verification and moderate it myself. The word verfication is just so hard to read. This time it looks as if I can read it easily, but there have been times I had to go three or four times to get it right.

One or two blogs, I just quit visiting. If I can't get it right the first time or two...I quit.

Ken Swinson said...

Hi michelle, glad you are back!

Ken Swinson said...

Glad you are back!