

The sun had broken through puffy, white clouds this morning as I entered my SUV and headed down route 68 for Lexington, KY. I passed along winding, back roads in Paris so I could see horses grazing in open fields. It wouldn't be long before I would meet my blogging friend Caron from A Piece of News. Cantuckee Diner would be our destination.

Arriving safely Caron, her mom, niece, nieces friend & I strode inside to have a lunch plate from the buffet. We filled our plates with wholesome, country eating. Afterwards we ordered desert: butterscotch pie, banana pudding, chocolate pie & coconut pie.  I don't know that we truly decided which was our favorite. Between food & drink we carried conversations as if we'd been friends for a long while.

Back outside we captured the moment while talking excitedly about our possible meetup in December. We'll explore Cincinnati perhaps atop Carew Tower or alongside the downtown fountain. Whatever the choice may be it'll be shared with a good friend.


Tammie Lee said...

friends are a treasure
sound like you had a wonderful time!
so happy for you ~

Rose said...

Oh, I so miss Caron's blogging...lucky you to get to meet.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo, though I wonder which one you are. Thanks for the link to Caron's blog. Went there and took a look. She needs to update her blog.

Naquillity said...

hello Gigi~ thanks, i'm the one in the purple. have a great day~

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Glad to see you happy.
A friend is a great treasure and a great joy.
The picture is beautiful.

Caron said...

I had a GREAT time and I'm so excited to have met you and to make plans. Rose, I miss Rose so much. I read and never commment and then she goes and says she misses me. -sniff- And Gigi says to update my blog. I may yet write about our meeting, but it won't be nearly so nicely written as yours. THANK YOU so much for making us all so comfortable and welcomed. You're a treasure.

Rambling Woods said...

Two of my favorite people..I am so happy for you two...Michelle

Introverted Art said...

This is such a spontaneous beautiful photo. Friends are priceless.

Kay said...

Awwww... this is so wonderful. I can easily see that you are already good friends. I love your smile! I'd love to meet you in person too.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful smile you have, and purple suits you!

Caroline Gill said...

A wonderful photo, a wonderful post!

The blogosphere at its best when virtual becomes real!!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

glad you had a nice time together!

Bone said...

Sounds wonderful! Now was it homemade banana pudding, or that instant pudding with bananas chopped up in it? :)

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Happy friends!

B.Held said...

a beautiful photograph. friendships are simply wonderful :-)

thank you for your comments on my blog. i always enjoy seeing them :-)

take care,

Unknown said...

What a lovely day! I have found online friendships to be just as important as those local ones. It is always very special when you can meet in person. I hope it comes together in December.

Julie Magers Soulen Photography

Kateri said...

I'm glad the meeting went well. Love the photo!

Quiet Paths said...

What a wonderful thing!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

I fall into the greeting!

Wild_Bill said...

What a nice benefit to make new friends from your blog. It kind of adds a different dimension to the whole electronic communication thing! I hope you stay friends for a long time. New friends are often some of the best friends. Good luck!

Lynda Lehmann said...

What fun to meet a blogging friend! I'm glad you had a great time, and yummy deserts!

ZielonaMila said...

Beautiful and nice photograph. I am greeting

Geraldine said...

so nice to see you here! I happened to note this post at the bottom of your newest one. glad I clicked through.

Happy Sunday, G