In this stillness

I've watched colleged winter thaw of ice
along our side of the farms.
Grackles and other eastern birds flit to
one side and then the edge.
Their tiny lungs filled of
spring song. These...
these uncaged songs mapped
by memory's territories
live somewhere beneath blue skies and a
habit that holds my blue- gray
eyes... still. It's in this stillness I'm headed
towards an open field and a lone oak.

Napowrimo day 5: The challenge was to write a Golden Shovel. The last word in every sentence is another person's poem word for word. Instead of using someone else's poem I used one of my own haiku called gray headed oak.


Stewart M said...

Nicely formed words.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love 'uncaged songs mapped by memory's territories'

I've never tried this poetic form, and I'm mostly just doign my own thing for NaPoWriMo rather than following the prompts

Geraldine said...

You did a beautiful job with this word challenge. Lovely!

Rambling Woods said...

Wow..I have never even heard of this style... Beautiful

eileeninmd said...

Lovely words, I can imagine the birds coming alive at the signs of spring.

Caron said...

That's a serious challenge. I don't think I could have done that.