
Blogoversary~ wow! It's been 2 years since I started Naquillity and a combined 5 years of blogging counting my past blog. Since January of this year produced little results in my posting comeback I've decided to use my blogoversary to start communications again. So, watch this space...

Though I haven't posted anything new I have been busy writing and working in my art journal. I've also been reading, baking with yeast, spending time with my family and keeping up with my doctor visits. I look forward to sharing more of my day with everyone who's taken the time to follow me over the years. Thank you for your dedication, commenting and stories these past 5 years. May you all be blessed~

Happy Blogoversary Naquillity! May this be the start of something fresh and new. 


lissa said...

february is a good month to start over. I'm always glad to hear from you in the blogoshere.

have a great day.

Anonymous said...

congrats to you! I'm glad to rediscover your blog today, via Vesper's place!

Travis Cody said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Kay said...

Happy Blogaversary! I just celebrated 5 years a few days ago too. Here's to another five more for you and me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I wondered what happened to you. Take care and God bless!

Bridal Magic said...

It feels good to be back, doesn't it? Here's to another year of poetry and blogging!

Anonymous said...

so happy for you and your journey... beautiful blog too....