Just Chillin'


Yesterday afternoon afforded me a rare look closeup of wasps 'just chillin'.  It's nice to see nature at its most intimate, vulnerable and connected moments, a much slower pace. So often we see nature's movements in a frenzy like butterfly's fluttering, hummingbird's flitting, birds in flight, or white tailed deer running and jumping through fields.

It's at this moment we slow our hectic pace to see life's softer sides. We feel those fresh fall breezes scudding across our faces. We notice the gray storm clouds forming above our heads and breathe in the scent of rain that's coming. And, we watch in wonder as nature procreates.


B.Held said...

This is fantastic!

Scott Clawson said...

Those are great pictures! :)

Julia Smith said...

Really fascinating macros. I find insects so hard to capture in a shot - glad you found these ones just chillin'.

Shraddha@theselfloveproject said...

ok these are difficult pictures to take..

Sara said...

Love it! I have a soft spot for wasps. And snakes and frogs and slugs... :)

Quiet Paths said...

We have had so many wasps this summer; I've been very careful, even so, I still got nailed on the garbage can where they were trying to make a nest. You really got close to these! wow.

Jeeves said...

Great pictures

impudence said...

great pictures!! and yay you! i admire anyone who can get macros of insects. they refuse to stay in one spot long enough! =) finally found some free time to get my blog stalking done!!

Vesper said...

Fantastic photos! I love all living beings, even though these wasps are quite scary...

Sharon said...

behind the lens we discover a whole new world

Rambling Woods said...

Great macros Michelle.. Oh if I could only put words to my photos as you do...Michelle

Kirigalpoththa said...

Splendid macro!