Three Deer

After eating Mexican last night we drove home with our stomachs full. On both sides of the highway I spotted mother deers and their young. A few minutes later I was rushing inside my home grabbing my camera.

Upon returning to one of their common grazing spots I noticed a mother deer with her two babies grazing along a tree lined path. Each of the deer stood with pricked ears watching our every move, quietly. The babies inched closer to their mother with each click.

Not wanting to disturb these gentle creatures any longer we drove down the road a small piece to find the other mother and baby had already gone back into the nearby woods.


Caroline Gill said...

What a lovely evening it must have been. Trust you enjoyed the Mexican meal, too, Michelle!

angie said...

what a wonderful picture!
how lucky you are to capture these shots!!

Red Bird said...

We have deer all over now, living so close to a national park! They are lovely creatures indeed...

anthonynorth said...

A great picture. They're such gentle animals.

fourwindshaiga said...

We have deer out back, too, but I don't see them much anymore. Looks like they were just as interested in you.

shraddha/april@theselfloveproject said...

what a great picture!!

lucky lucky shot!!!
or should i say talented , gentle shot



we have shifted to a self hosted visit!!!

The Self Love Project

TC said...

Oh they are precious!!!

I love it when I come across deer, especially fawns, when I'm out walking :)

shraddha/april@theselfloveproject said...

This reminds me of the deer I saw while visiting Virginia's blue ridge mountains... they never fail to awe me. Great shot!

We have passed on a Lovely Blog Award to you… (it will be under the Aug. 20th post... come on by!)

Jeeves said...

Lovely pictures

Annie said...

Gorgeous. It always seems magical when you get a glimpse, but you had several!

Just someone said...

Beautiful picture! :) we see similar sights on our way home. We are lucky to live past a preserved area - with greenery all around - maybe next time I shd take my camera :)

Have a nice day and a great weekend!

Quiet Paths said...

They are all looking at you! Are they very curious or skittish? Such a peaceful looking scene, Michelle.

Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

What a precious and blessed photo, Michelle. Must have been great to see in person.

Don't you loooooove the beauty of nature.

Am glad we found each other through blogging, dear kindred spirit!!!

Hugs, JJ

Rambling Woods said...

Awwww...They are so sweet aren't they? Nice of them to wait until you could get photos of them Michelle...

Michele said...

It's so nice to capture these forest creatures in their natural habitat as you have done... beautiful photos.

I haven't been able to get any decent pictures lately as the temperatures have been quite warm and they have been in deep within the trees, I think.

Bone said...

They are absolutely some of the most gorgeous creatures.

One of the bonuses about golfing is how many animals I've come across. I've seen deer, bunnies, and squirrels. Oh, and a turtle :)

Max-e said...

Hi Michelle, thanks for the visit and your comments - they were much appreciated.
We have have a lot of "posed" photos - I think my sisters managed to lose some of the "embarrassing" ones, but many of those we have are still good for a laugh.
Sadness I guess is always tempered by joy and the cycle of life continues.
Looks like you live in a wonderful place. It is so nice to be able to wildlife like that when you drive sround your neighborhood.

Lynda Lehmann said...

What a wonderful after-dinner treat! A lucky capture for you! Thanks for sharing it.

Cynthia said...

Oh, Oh OHHHH, Michelle. Wish I
were there. Love those babies.
My favorite animal.
Close to heaven - A mexican food
dinner and sweet dear sightings.
Thank you so much for sharing
this photo.