
a living city was buried in
wooded hills and green fields
under great ash heaps.

since that eruption-
sometimes quiet
for a hundred years
men, almost forgotten
thundered out dust
after this mountain
very craggy and wild.

ordinarily the people,
bellows like an ox.

soon casts of cinders.
if these catch a man,
the roofs are crushed by the weight-
the wind, stiff, carried to far countries.
this bellowing comes every hundred years
and the air is pure and healthy.

My first poem for Wave Books, Erasures.


Sharon said...

your inspirations are expressed in your inspirations are expressed in my photographs, yet we are both fulfilling our creative spirits:)

Rambling Woods said...

Interesting way to prompt poetry. I enjoyed this one and all I can think is that I wish I could do that...Michelle

shraddha said...

very nice...

congratulations for the publication

Caroline Gill said...

The title is most intriguing, Michelle. You always have thought-provoking ideas. Thank you for the link to the site... must have a go at this kind of Found Poem soon.

JJ Loch said...

Beautiful and meaningful imagery. Happy I stopped by!!!

Cheers! JJ

Deb said...

Wow. This is incredible. I wouldn't have thought it a found poem. Incredible images, phrasing, pacing.

Tumblewords: said...

I'm glad you 'found' this one - it's wonderful!

lisaschaos said...

WOW! Such talent!

Bobbie said...

It's cleansing and rebirth. A very enjoyable and descriptive read :)

anthonynorth said...

This one is so visual. Excellently done.

April said...

Beautiful... I've always wished my brain would slow down enough for poetry. I enjoy fiction probably because I can use more words!

Christina said...

So beautiful The words are real and alive.

christine said...

This is a found poem? Wow! It reminds me of Mt. Saint Helen, or Vesuvius.

Great work, Michelle!

lissa said...

it's a story & a poem, mystical, like those fairytale stories that are too fantastic to be real

one more believer said...

explosive gases expelled underneath a city lies...that last line sez it all...

Just someone said...

That was really wonderful!
