windshield theater

tailgating driver
watches windshield theater
natures reflection
geese fly over power lines
fade to black screen... end credits

any constructive criticism or comments on this tanka is greatly appreciated. 


Crafty Green Poet said...

I like that one,

Anonymous said...

.. love your blog place... it has been a long while since saying hello... and your writing has always been a pleasure to seek and see... it is a good expression of a particular place in a particular time that somehow once we move on becomes elusive and dim... those were my immediate thoughts as i passed thru your tanka... and the form of tanka is just the right vehicle to approach ...

Vesper said...

Windshield theater... what an interesting image!

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed this poem. Tanka is such an interesting poetic form. You've inspired me to write one again soon. :<)

Bone said...

MJ! You're back! I hope you are well.

Caroline Gill said...

I love the unusual angle, and I always enjoy your vocabulary! Tanka are fun to write ... Hope it's not too cold in your neck of the woods. It's been a slow spring here.

April said...

For me this really captures the moment, as well as the feeling of being in the moment. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Your new header is spectacular!

Hugs, G

Unknown said...

"Naquillity" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

TC said...

I haven't checked in in forever, but hope you're doing well :)

Naquillity said...

JC~ it's so good to see you here. i'm doing better with each passing day. hoping to get back to blogging regularly again. but everytime i say that something seems to interfere. we'll see, sigh... hope all is well your way. do you blog anymore? since google reader has closed i don't know if i can get back to your blog using the feedly reader. we'll play it by ear... have a great day~