red winged blackbird

Momma red winged blackbird & her mate begin swooping from power lines as soon as I exit my SUV. They're protesting loudly to my approach. Now standing at pond's edge where cattails hover over my five foot frame I can see what momma was trying to tell me. Sitting quietly among the cattails is a baby red winged blackbird who hasn't lost all it's downy feathers. He or she stares inquisitively at my stalking never leaving its perch. I imagine one day it'll be brave as its momma whose still swooping and protesting my presence.


Kay said...

Oh wow! I've never seen a baby blackwing. What a great picture!

Unknown said...

Wonder if you'll see some of the first flights?!!

Caroline Gill said...

Such a cute baby ... and one to watch! Thank you, too, for your kind comments on my blog.

Carver said...

Great shot of the baby. I hope your A.C. comes back on soon. Terrible having this kind of heat without A.C. I also hope you get some rain that you are wishing for. Although our rain cooled us down a very small amount last night today is humid and up to 98 F so it mostly helped the plants to get all that water. That said even 98F is better than our record breaking 105F so I guess I shouldn't complain, especially since (knock on wood) my A.C. is working except for brief power outages.

Naquillity said...

thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting. i so enjoy reading what you say.

@Carver... we got our air conditioning back on about thirty minutes ago. he put some freon in/ on the unit and some kind of pump and it's working great now. we're just waiting for the house to cool back down to normal temps. much more comfortable this morning than last night. have a great day~

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a small one. It is cute, but not pretty!

Kateri said...

I've never seen a baby blackbird before! Like many baby birds, it is so ugly it is adorable!

Rose said...

This is a wonderful capture of a baby redwing!

Rambling Woods said...

Oh my cute is that little guy or girl..

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a fully looking baby bird! It will be handsome when it grows up though!

Carola said...

Beautiful bird shot.