winter white


winter white washes
across ample acres,
lightly lacing lawns.
kempt kernels cling
idly, inching imperceptibly-
green grass... gone.


Anonymous said...

just brilliant!

Dr. Cheryl Carvajal said...

I love the dusting of snow on everything! So pristine.

christina said...

so lovely. just so lovely.
and thank you for your comment. had a bit of trouble with blogger last night, all seems well, now. xo

Al said...

Beautiful. I love winter and snow, and wish we could get some more snow at our house. It's been so dry so far this winter.

Anonymous said...

Pretty, and so fun to read out loud.

Kay said...

This is so beautiful. I can certainly use my imagination and your words to imagine the beauty of snow even here in Hawaii.

Carver said...

Beautiful shot and words.

Rose said...

I sure don't have your talent with words...wish I did.

Mary said...

Lovely poem and so apt.

utenzi said...

We don't get much snow where I live, and the snow's beauty might be appreciated even more as a result of its brevity.

Tammie Lee said...

lovely seasonal poem.

ms pie said...

so fascinated by the alliteration form.... and this is just as it is... we've had plenty of snow here, it's everywhere now turning to ice... burrrrr.... oh to lay in the green grass on a hot summer day...

Anonymous said...

Lovely...I want to put words with my photos and am practicing with haiku. I don't think I have any aptitude for it but I feel like I need to do it if that makes any sense...

chasity said...

winter really is settling in now.

so good to see you back.

thank you for your kind words.


Crafty Green Poet said...


Its more than lightly lacing our lawns here though, 6 inches or so....

christine said...

Gorgeous poem and photo. Poetry is a wonderful way to capture our feelings about the passing seasons. You've inspired me to start writing again!

Unknown said...

I love lacy lawns! Beautiful!

Linda said...

Beautifully composed shot, pared down to winter essentials.

Unknown said...

Love the alliteration! It trips off the tongue and goes so beautifully with the photo.

Julie Magers Soulen Photography

Bill said...

"Green grass gone" kind of sums it all up, eh? A lovely poem to go with a lovely photo. Thanks.

Ryan said...

Snow is fantastic for the first few days however after the 3rd month it becomes a tad annoying lol.

Geraldine said...

And what a sight it is to behold! Nicely done.

layers said...

yes, snow is beautiful and your words are lovely--

Anonymous said...

very well said...

have a great weekend!