Colon Cancer

Yesterday came with a bit of a surprise. When my egd (scope down throat) & colonoscopy was finished the doctor came in and told us that I had colon cancer. He sent off a biopsy but was sure it was cancer. I went today for more blood work: CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) & hepatic functions. I'll be having a chest CT tomorrow and next week I'll be meeting with a specialist in colon/ rectal surgeries.

Today I went to speak with my regular doctor and was told I'll have a small portion to half a section of my bowel removed... no colostomy bag. I'll be in the hospital for at least five days. I don't know if I can sit still that long. At least I have a $100 pillow I can take with me that's really comfortable, :)

I'm pleased we're moving so fast on this because it doesn't leave much room for me to think about what could happen. Thanks to everyone who's already sent their well wishes/ prayers up. It's greatly appreciated. I'm hoping I'll still be able to stop in and visit everyone's blog during this time but if not please know I'm thinking of you all. You've each touched my life in a way I can never forget. Thanks to you all.


Wanda..... said...

I'm so sorry for the diagnosis, must have been very hard to hear that. It was in December 4 years ago that my husband was told the same. He is doing fine, since his operation. Know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you, Naquillity!

lissa said...

I have no words for you but I hope everything works out :)

Deb said...

Sending love and hope and hugs.

Kirigalpoththa said...

I'm very sorry to hear that.. I think you have to be strong at this moment and every thing will be back to normal soon..

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! You must have been so shocked. I am so sorry, there are no words. It sounds like they have a plan in place for you. I don't know what to say except I am sending you healing hugs and thoughts you way to give you strength.....Michelle

Naquillity said...

Wanda thank you. it's one of the harder things to hear, i think. i mostly cried the day i found out while my husband & daughter took in the news. i'm so happy to hear your husband continues to do well after his operation. it certainly gives me hope. how long did it take him to get on his feet afterwards? i'm usually pretty anxious to start moving after an operation.

Kat thanks so much. i'm sorry about your friend but pleased to hear she's doing well. i'm hoping we've caught it all soon enough and it'll just be a miner discomfort. i'm pretty strong minded too. that has to help, :)

Lissa thanks so much. i'm sure it'll work out well. i'll just have to take it one day at a time.

Deb thanks. i'll need them all, :)

Kirigalpoththa thanks. i'm going to stay as strong as i can and do my best to get things back to normal again.

Rambling yes, i was pretty shocked. i couldn't get past the word cancer. but, i'm now settled and ready for the long job ahead. thanks for all the healing hugs, thoughts & strength.

i know i'll make it through this procedure because i have so many of you in my corner. thanks so much for helping me. i'll keep you posted as i learn more. love you all~

Kay said...

Michelle sent me over to your lovely blog. I'm so sorry to hear about that diagnosis. I'll be thinking about you and praying for strength as you heal from this trial.

Bone said...

You'll be in my thoughts, MJ. Thank you for updating us. I will be praying for strength for you and a complete recovery.

TC said...

So sorry I've been clueless about this, and also that you're going through something so difficult. I hope they're able to get it all in the fastest, most painless way possible, and that next year, this is but an unpleasant memory.

Prayers for you.

Caron said...

I prayed for you this morning and will continue to do so. Good luck. My husband was told he may have colon cancer and a huge portion of his bowel was resected. It wasn't cancer after all and he's doing fine now 6 years later. I hope it is the same for you.

Naquillity said...

kay thanks for dropping by and leaving such a kind comment. your well wishes are greatly appreciated.

bone thanks so much. strength & recovery... my new favorite words, :)

tc thanks. i'm hoping we've discovered this pretty early too so i can recover quickly. i'm pretty hopeful.

a piece of news thanks so much for your support. i'm sorry to hear your husband went through this too but, pleased he's doing well. gives me hope that i'll do well myself.

thanks for all your prayers, well wishes & support everyone. it will give me strength during this difficult time. thanks to all the new people who've stopped by. i enjoy meeting you all. have a great night everyone~

Kateri said...

Prayers for you. It sounds like they caught it early, which is a very good thing. It is never easy to hear a diagnosis of cancer, though. Sending many blessings your way.

Karen said...

Thank God that we live in an age when doctors and medicine can take care of you. My prayers are with you.

Ryan said...

Modern advances in medicine are making the fight against cancers very winnable, my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 2009. They caught it early, operated on her and then she received radiation therapy for 8 weeks. She has recovered well and fought her way back to perfect health. With strong family support and positive thinking I'm sure you will get through this.
Best wishes you will be in my prayers.

Carver said...

I'm so sorry to hear this and will be sending out good thoughts and prayers for you.

Al said...

Best wishes, and my thoughts and prayers will be with you. Take care of yourself, that's the most important thing.

Mary said...

Oh, dear...I'm very sorry! Strangly enough, I just spoke to someone tonight that has the same thing and found it the same way. They've had the surgery very successfully and will have some chemo. So hang in there and keep a positive attitude! We will all be praying for you. Hugs from here. I hope you got my email address:

Rose said...

I hated reading this..I know my friend just showed me your blog the other day, but I still hope and pray that all goes well for you.

Tumblewords: said...

Sending you the very best wishes for a complete and rapid recovery!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Sending you thoughts of boundless inner strength and the knowledge that so many of us surround you and protect you!


Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you.

christina said...

i am thinking of you. and keeping you in my prayers.
blessings, sweet friend.

Naquillity said...

kateri thanks for all your support. it was difficult for me to hear the word cancer, i cried that first day and again on the third day. but, since then i've been looking forward to getting things started and getting well. i'm hoping they've caught this early enough so i can fight it.

karen yes, thank god we live in a time the doctors are much more knowledgeable. thanks so much for all your support.

ryan thanks so much for all your kind words. i'm sorry your mother had to go through breast cancer. but, i'm pleased to hear she recovered well. modern medicine is much better these days than in the older times. i'm thankful for that. looking forward to starting my journey to recovery.

carver thanks so much for everything. i go see the specialist tomorrow so i'll keep you updated.

al thanks. i'll do my very best to take care of myself.

mary thanks for everything. i'm sorry about your friend but hope he does well.

rose thanks so much for your support. and thanks for stopping by my blog. i've been enjoying my stops to your blog too.

tumblewords thanks. i hope to be back on my feet very quickly.

greyscale thanks for all the strength and support you're sending my way. it's greatly appreciated.

b held thanks so much. it's greatly appreciated.

christina thanks for your support. you're so kind.

thanks everyone for everything you've said and done to help me through this difficult time. you can't begin to know how much i love you all. have a great day~

Caroline Gill said...

I can't tell you, Naquillity, how much my heart went out to you very late last night when I read your post. I thought I would wait until today to send a quick note, and to assure you of my thoughts and prayers as you find out more this week. I'm sure I speak for us all when I say how much your blogging friends are holding you - and your family - in our thoughts.

We love what you do, the photography, creativity and sensitivity you bring to your blog. It seems to me as though some new poetry/haiku has been triggered ... I'm just off to re-read your next post,

With love from a frosty Wales,

James said...

That's terrible news! I hope and pray for the best for you. It really puts my problems into perspective.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome Michelle. There are a few lovely people who visit my blog on a regular basis and I wanted to let them know as there is strength in numbers....

I had mistakenly been diagnosed with ovarian cancer when I was 30. I remember how scared and angry and all of the emotion leading up to the surgery. It was a large tumor but benign. Let yourself feel all those emotions and let them out. You don't have to be strong for anyone. Let them hold you up...I know except for your daughter.....sending long distance hugs....Michelle