Red Tailed Hawk

The other morning while I was doing the dishes this red tailed hawk swooped down. He swooped so low I could see him at eye level from my kitchen window. I had hoped he would land in my yard but instead he landed in a tree across from my house. When I returned with camera in hand he'd already decided to take off. Acting fast I panned with his flight while taking continuous shots. This was my favorite of all the pics I got because it shows him with his feathers all spread out & he's in clearer focus. I had to take a power line out of this picture so forgive any discrepancies. I'm still learning how to work my Photoshop Elements software.


Anonymous said...

I think you did a great job of removing the line. Isn't it amazing what we can see out our kitchen windows?

Caroline Gill said...

This is just wonderful! I clicked to enlarge, and could appreciate even more detail.

Crafty Green Poet said...

it's always so exciting to have a good view of a bird of prey, lovely photo too

Al said...

Awesome! I love seeing hawks, although I've had one try to take my tiny dog when I was out with him.

Spockgirl said...

Just linked over here from your comment on Scotland Here and Now.
Great photo! Makes me miss having a real camera. I'll pop back again.

mon@rch said...

Nice to meet you and glad we were able to connect! Love the photos!

Tumblewords: said...

Glad to know you are feeling better - life takes so many strange turns. You've posted some mighty fine photos and the raccoon header is truly adorable!

April said...

You did a wonderful job on this photo...what a beautiful scene to observe from your window :)

Carver said...

I love this shot. They are hard to catch. I've finally spotted one circling around my neighborhood but haven't caught them yet in my trees like I did last year.

Deb said...

Lovely!! Clicking through to larger was rewarding indeed.

Wishing you well for a stressful week. Think of this hawk as you go. Hugs~

Unknown said...

Oh, I have that same problem - I see them everywhere but they. do. not. cooperate. :(

Ryan said...

The most exciting wildlife I've witnessed outside my kitchen window has been a wee robin lol.

Mary said...

This is great! I seldom get a good flight shot. This is a good time of year to look for hawks. I find them sitting on wires and posts in the countryside a lot. I need to get out there looking!

Bone said...

Great photo, Naquillity! If I had taken it, you'd barely be able to tell it was a bird :)

Rose said...

Every time I see this, my first thought is a juvenile Bald Eagle...

Rose said...

Never mind my previous post...I have looked at it numerous times...and clicked and enlarged...did not notice till showing my hubby that I could click again for an even picture...could see I am wrong about being a juvenile bald eagle