unraveled shoestring


babe milk snake glided
'longside our house yesterday
unraveled shoestring


Gemma Wiseman said...

The photo is not showing and I'm almost glad! I feel so creepy when I see snakes! No matter the size! But loved your little haiku!

Kirigalpoththa said...

oops! are they poisonous?

anthonynorth said...

Excellent haiku. Don't want many of those in my garden, though.

Naquillity said...

greyscale good morning. glad you didn't experience to much creepiness.

kirigalpoththa no, they're not poisonous. thank goodness. i don't think i'd be as brave taking his picture.

anthony thanks. hopefully a milk snake won't show up in your garden. or, any other.

have a great day everyone~

Anonymous said...

I like the haiku, but not the snake!

Carver said...

That's a beautiful little snake.

TC said...

I wish I hadn't seen that :(

Better your house than mine.