eastern kingbird


eastern kingbird sits
atop a barbed wire fence- waiting,
tuxedo fitted

Hope everyone has a safe but wonderful Fourth of July.


Carver said...

That's a beautiful little bird and I also like your praying mantis shots a lot.

Anonymous said...

Our kingbird didn't come back this year, and I even put up some posts for him to sit on. Yours is pretty.

anthonynorth said...

Love the touch of the tux :-)

Al said...

He'd better land on exactly the right spot on that fence - it looks dangerous! I hope you had a nice 4th of July.

christine said...

Oh, what a sweet photo. He does have a little tux on, doesn't he? Nice.

Anonymous said...

got to love a bird in a tux. :)

hope you had a wonderful 4th of july. its not a day off or anything in india, but they did air independence day on tv, like they have been doing every year since the film was released. hehehe.

Travis Cody said...

You remind me that I haven't written Haiku in some time. I enjoyed yours!

Crafty Green Poet said...

it does look like its wearing a tuxedo! Lovely bird!

Caroline Gill said...

Thank you, Naquillity, for your recent comments on my WILD blog.

Have just come back from Scotland, where I fell, injuring my left [dominant] arm... so am typing this one-handed. Waiting for the fracture clinic to say if broken or just bruised...

Love the smart bird - a new one for me. Have no idea if they ever come to the UK...

Hope you had good 4 July celebrations!

sebi_2569 said...

very nice blog;and photo; bravo

Mad Kane said...


lissa said...

I like the last line very much

Unknown said...

Very sweet photo! Love your composition of the fence and bird.

Julie Magers Soulen Photography

Cynthia said...

perfect. the king awaits in
his tuxedo for his lady.

Jeeves said...

tuxedo fitted!!Thats a lovely description!

beth said...

from a distance it looks like our barn swallows....

Quiet Paths said...

So this is a kingbird. I missed it; thanks so much for posting this great photo. Like the ku too.