

I'd been experiencing camera withdrawal these past few days as I'd not had the time to take any new pictures. But, yesterday evening a moment presented itself. This turkey vulture was picking at the freshly mowed field adjacent to our house.  I carefully stepped outside, walked up to the barbed fence line and zoomed my camera onto this fine specimen.  Seventeen pictures later he flew away. This was my favorite shot.


Carver said...

I love the way his red head stands out. I don't know that I've ever seen a turkey vulture before.

anthonynorth said...

A great shot. Well worth the effort.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Seventeen shots later...LOL! I feel your pain at camera withdrawal. And I really like this shot as the bird searches and heads away from the camera.

Anonymous said...

I guess he was too busy to notice you. Or maybe just not afraid.

We have a hayfield next door, too. Lots of my creature shots come from there.

Kateri said...

Nice photo. They are scary looking birds. I see them frequently eating road kill around here.

Karen said...

Nice shot! Not having time for your art is so difficult. Must make an appointment with yourself!

Anonymous said...

So captivating :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

excellent shot!

Al said...

Very nice. I don't see turkeys around my house.

TC said...

I couldn't live without my camera. no way, no how.