baby frog


Tonight while my husband was weed eating he found a baby frog for me to photograph. He's adorable don't ya think?

I promptly fixed him a Tupperware aquarium and placed him on the deck for his photo shoot. He posed in many positions even tried to climb out of the aquarium for effect. When it was time for him to go my daughter placed him in a nearby creek.

Side note: I wanted to let everyone know I'm behind again on commenting. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up on Sunday. Until then, may everyone have a great weekend.


TC said...

Oh man, he's a cutie.

Seems everything is better in miniature. I fed some baby ducks on Sunday, and while I always love feeding ducks, they were wayyy more fun than their larger counterparts.

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh gosh what a cute little thing!

Crafty Green Poet said...

btw Crafty Green Boyfriend thinks this might be a toad rather than a frog

Anonymous said...

he is cute:)

Just Someone!

Unknown said...

Cute! Love the bubbles.

Julie Magers Soulen Photography

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I can just imagine his "captured by aliens" story when he got back to the rest of the frogs.

Sandy, from gardenpath

Lynda Lehmann said...

He IS cute and I'm sure he was happy to go back to the creek.

We had some bullfrogs outside our house last month, mating in a culvert along the road. I think they're gone now. I couldn't photograph them because they blended so well with the mud and vegetation!

Anonymous said...

He is very cute.....Michelle

one mrore believer said...

ohhh, it's good to see a frog... i hear so much abt disappearing at an alarming rate... i feel blessed when i hear a croak...