an agony of wildlife

an agony of wildlife struggles
in careered, oily waters with
an arrested wing or gill
lodged in oily cuffs. their
weak bodies
cling to

written in response to the oil spill tragedy.


Kateri said...

That sums it up very well. Very very sad. :(

Unknown said...

It makes me so sad!

Anonymous said...

And, isn't just so sad?

Short Poems said...

Really sad :(

anthonynorth said...

You've caught the essence of the tragedy.

Ramesh Sood said...

It touches the heart.. but then it would keep on happening..for Man is progressing..reaching heights, falling into depths..

Rambling Woods said...

Well is so tragic...

Max-e said...

The price of man's greed. Time the corporations assumed more responsibility for their actions.

Anonymous said...

its absolutely heart breaking what they are going through. well said. :(

christine said...

It is just so heartbreaking.... when will we learn?

Bryan Borland said...

Agony is the correct word. I feel so helpless. We're losing an entire body of water... I can't even think about the animals. Every 8-10 days that pass, the crack produces the same amount of damage that the Exxon Valdex caused.

Al said...

The oil spill is so sad. We can only hope that some good comes of it, in that we finally resolve to break our dependence on oil before it's too late.

beth said...

it just continues to be such a sad sad mess....

christina said...

this makes me so very sad. : (
this touched me deeply.

Michele said...

Oh my, your words left tears welling up in my eyes once again over this horrible tragedy. It sickens me to see the devastation this disaster has created... ... more needs to be done.

Travis Cody said...

It certainly is a shame. This is nicely done.