Random 5 Friday

1. Last Sunday a friend from church didn't have to work that day. She made it to church & bible study. We then had lunch together with her sister and my daughter. Later that afternoon I sat outside in the warm sun and wind listening to my new cd Devotions with Priscilla by Priscilla Shirer. I only made it through five tracks but they were very good. Looking forward to finishing the last seven tracks.

2. My husband and I had planned to go see Duck Hunter Shoots Angel tonight but I misplaced the tickets we had. I'm so bummed over this as I was looking forward to seeing this play. I'm sure they'll show up sometime. We'll just have to pick a different play to watch when they do...

3. Two white dogwoods and one of two washington hawthorn trees didn't make it. I'll be replacing them within the next month or so. Otherwise, all my young trees have blooms on them now. 

4. My young adult daughter has been fighting the stomach flu/ virus since yesterday evening. She's doing some better now but still needs rest, food & fluids.

5. Birds I've been spotting at my feeder and around my yard: goldfinches, grackles, starlings, red winged blackbird, cardinal, sparrows, robins & mockingbirds. What have you seen at your bird feeder lately?


Christine said...

aren't trees just like how life is, some survive for the next season, other's don't, more likely the young ones will.

Carver said...

I hope your daughter will be well soon. Sounds like a good group of birds that have come to your feeders. I've been seeing so many birds I should take notes to remember them all.

TexWisGirl said...

sorry about the tree loss. i'd like to add a few around here but might wait until next spring. :)

Bob Bushell said...

Sorry about your daughter. I have only one at my feeder, that is a Goldfinch, never mind, I think that is good sign, they are in the forest.

Rambling Woods said...

I hope she feels better soon.... The winter has left a mess and loss for so many... Lots of birds coming in...