Comment Moderation

Can anyone tell me how to fix the comments so they only show true comments and not anonymous ones?? My email inbox has been inundated with anonymous spam comments and they keep coming back everyday... Is there a way to fix this problem without adding word verification to my commenting form?? I know most commenting have trouble reading those verification codes and don't like the extra step of verification... Also, is there a way to turn off commenting on older posts?? I haven't been able to find it with this new Blogger layout. I know you used to be able to do this...

Has anyone tried using the Custom robots.txt or the Custom robots header tags?? If so, how does it work for you? Has it limited people from finding your blog in search?? Did it keep the robots from finding your blog posts?? 


lissa said...

hello again. sorry, I couldn't help with comments. I just turn everything off - comment moderation, comment verifications - I only get a spam or two now and then which can be easily deleted.

hope you have a good day.

Travis Cody said...

It should be pretty easy since you are using blogger. Go to your dashboard. Go to Settings, Post and comments. You can set up who can comment there, as well as whether you want comment moderation and for how many days.

I set mine to anyone and posts older than 7 days for moderation. It works for me.

I hope this helps.

Unknown said...

Hi Naquillity. Looks like Travis has told you what you need to know. I switched to no anonymous comments for the reasons you mention. Life's too short. The people who matter won't mind the extra security step.

Kay said...

I'm glad everybody has already told you what to do. In fact, I like the idea of moderation for anything older than 7 days. I think I'll do that too.

Naquillity said...

thanks everyone for stopping by and giving your input... unfortunately i had to add word verification because the robot kept coming despite changes i made. hopefully i'll be able to take it off after some time has passed... if not, i thank you in advance for your patience... have a great day~