Today I had a strong urge to post something here and would like to say thank you to everyone for your patience in my long absence... I've truly missed blogging and seeing what everyone has been up to lately... Hopefully I won't let everyone down during this new jumpstart. Luckily I have lots of pictures to share and a few new poems too...
I'll start with a haiku I wrote about some great blue herons. A friend of mine came upon eight great blue herons one day while out taking pictures and was gracious enough to share with me and another good friend the location. When we arrived at said location we saw six heron and eight nests... My haiku reflects this scene...
six great blue heron
chronicle eight nests daily
knobby kneed sentries
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hello again! it's good to see you here again.
nice haiku, though I wonder why 8 nests and 6 heron, perhaps in preparation for two young ones? who knows.
hope you have a sweet day.
hello lissa~ it's good to see you again too... i actually based the haiku on how many heron i was able to see that day at one time. there's actually eight heron and eight nests... there's also some baby heron in those nests. i was lucky enough to get a picture of one of them... i'll share it on another day... hope all is well your way. have a great day~
Good to see you back and I like your haiku. I can't get used to the new blogger.
thanks Carver~ the new look is definitely nice but will take some getting used to.
A beautiful Haiku! We much look forward to seeing more photos and poems (phoems?!) as and when ...
Your blog looks so smart! I tried the new Blogger ... and (chicken that I am when it comes to techie things) quickly reverted back to the old interface! I know I can't keep it for ever ... but I'm happy for now.
so glad you like it Caroline... both the blog look and the poem. yes, i have plenty of photos to share & at least one more new poem (unfinished of course) but still enough substance to share. i finally learned how to publish scheduled posts this morning. i had only been saving them when i needed to publish them. after fixing that problem... i'm finding i'm having trouble commenting on other blogs... mostly wordpress but also some blogger... i'm not sure everyone is receiving my comments, sigh... hopefully i'll work all the kinks out of my return to blogging, :)
Welcome back! It was great to see your blog pop up in my reader, and to see you come over for a visit.
thanks Travis~ i think i'll be around for awhile now, :) look forward to sharing more posts with everyone and visiting other blogs as well. have a great weekend~
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