day lily

single day lily
lingers over roadside pond
a towering sun


Caroline Gill said...

An evocative and poignant cameo, Naquillity.

Anonymous said...

A case of a single flower standing out. That sort of thing catches my eye, too.

I hope you have a great weekend, and get lots of pretty photos.

Karen said...

This is quite lovely.

Travis Cody said...

The image is very calming.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

How serene...mmm...

Rambling Woods said...

I was just out taking some photos of the few lilies that are left...

Rinkly Rimes said...

I turn my head away each time a poor bedraggled oily pelican comes on the screen. Your verses capture the horror.

christine said...

This is a super haiku! I love everything about it.

Unknown said...

Love the haiku. Well done! I like to play with words too.

BTW, Thanks for visiting my blog. I appreciate it!

Julie Magers Soulen Photography