

My exposed skin bares fresh cut hair, sweat and grass. It's Saturday past. My daughter and I are hiking. We're surrounded by Jewelweed, Timothy Grass and trees. The sound of a train is approaching. I snap a picture of the iron horse.

I hear a four wheeler riding through the tobacco field while I'm crossing the railroad bridge one railroad tie at a time. It's scary looking down between the gaps to the murky water below.

I see a turkey vulture circling above my head and can't help but watch her graceful flight. She doesn't seem bothered by the noise my daughter is making with two rusted objects. I'm in awe of her determination to bring home a momento of our day but sadly she has to leave it behind.



8:24 pm.
Kentucky's articulate sky
shares a profusion of
blue- grays and pink,
a coif for a copse of trees.
i download no stranger shade
of humming and voyage at art
with their deaths forever left away
their dead never crowd my moon
of meaningful mood and shroud.

Three Deer


After eating Mexican last night we drove home with our stomachs full. On both sides of the highway I spotted mother deers and their young. A few minutes later I was rushing inside my home grabbing my camera.

Upon returning to one of their common grazing spots I noticed a mother deer with her two babies grazing along a tree lined path. Each of the deer stood with pricked ears watching our every move, quietly. The babies inched closer to their mother with each click.

Not wanting to disturb these gentle creatures any longer we drove down the road a small piece to find the other mother and baby had already gone back into the nearby woods.