
2013. Can't believe it's already a new year and with said new year comes new resolutions...

My cardio rehab ends in three sessions (Friday of this week). So, my first resolution is to continue my three day exercising at home while adding two more days to the mix.

My savings account continued to grow through years end so that I met my goal of $1,000. It's my hope to continue saving toward another $1,000 by years end 2013. My couponing has saved me money on my groceries enough that I would like to explore other ways to save more money. One way I would like to explore is canning my vegetables so that I'm not buying them every time I go grocery shopping. I'd also like to explore sewing some reusable shopping bags. Turns out Target, Whole Foods & Krogers gives you a $0.03- $0.10 discount per bag at checkout. What's not to like about this deal?? You not only save money but help the environment too.

Growing in my spiritual journey I've taken time to learn 8 biblical verses. It's my hope to continue reading and learn more verses throughout the new year.

Last year I started sewing on two quilts and would like to finish both by the end of 2013.

My biggest crutch last year was eating out WAY TO MUCH... I'd like to curb that habit and eat at home more. Learn new recipes for supper.

In the past year I've been writing and creating more photographic art. I'd like to multiply these efforts in 2013.

And last but not least... Since I'll be at home more I'd like to begin blogging again. Starting with this post and continuing with 5 to 15 posts per month... more, if possible.

Hope everyone's new year is a blessed one. Here's to meeting your resolutions one day at a time... Happy New Year~


Al said...

I hope you have a great 2013, that seems like a good set of resolutions.

Introverted Art said...

Amazing achievements!!!!! I am very fiscally responsible too and a savings account is so important these years. I still need to exercise though :( I am a major couch potato and this is not god for our health. May 2013 be a great one for us all!

Caroline Gill said...

Congratulations, Naquillity, on your goals and achievements. I need to focus on 2013, too! I've got off to a slow start in that respect, but perhaps I will speed up as spring comes and I wake up from hibernation! It will be great to arrive home in daylight from my writing workshop this afternoon ... it was dark by 4pm in the days leading up to 21st December.

Tammie Lee said...

it sounds like you are doing so good!
not only will you save money eating at home, but it is healthier, yum.

wishing you a lovely 2013!

Zena said...
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Zena said...

Great goals and achievements

Vesper said...

I like how methodical you are in your goals and resolutions.
May you achieve all of them to your heart's desire.
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Definitely love the resolutions--very sound and balanced!

Kay said...

I'm so glad your 2013 is off to a good start. Do keep it up. I'm wishing you lots of happiness this year and onward.