Untitled Cento

to stall the nagging
With one struck match put out the moon and sun
But in that brief look straight into the sun
The eyes were blinded and the brain struck mad.

with them. In the downy wedlocked bed
that sanctum
sanctorum where I sport
Swung intimate views out of a foreign room,
Wall-eyed alleys, coils of husky smells,
The breath of journeys strong there.

With aged remorseless eyes
Damp in the tidal dark, it whimpers,
These are the old places, and walking there
And from this little distance under earth
Will break the sun
Another place: that you contrived
And at the hard hilt twisted it.

Your eyes will crack as ours to see one night
Yet here deep under is my doom.
It settles in the interstice.

But as one part warbles
To be normal, another puts a spin on things.

Something has come between us-
Blue blown out of the sky into their eyes,
To feel how restlessly the bones live out
Unfinished life.
To touch your face and give you from deep breasts
With earth’s most nourishing and nervous rain
The white rich milk of her perpetual peace.

Above is my first Cento. Title suggestions are welcome. Here are the works that inspired my poem.

Belleau Wood by Paul Engle
My Second Marriage To My First Husband by Alice Fulton
It Is There by Babette Deutsch
The Catch by A. E. Stallings

the woods of rorschach

by Jennifer Hines
artwork Tea Rorschach
from Flickr

apples lie in a wooded womb,
centuries old its heart, where a woman walked
evening away eating octopus as beef.
gruff, shaking hands reached for the snail’s borough
inadvertently spinning moon and sun before the taj.
kempt hornet’s nest smoked out by the indian fell,
much like ice cream with cherries, while the man
operating his pipe wilted a flower into a honey pot trap.
quietly he walked along the porcupine grass at wood’s rear
stopping before a poodle chasing a butterfly with its snout.
until the mouse’s teeth like a lion’s became a shiv
waxing his leg did he become a pole jumper, a funny xerox.
yapping from downward facing dog his outstretched arms felt the dance of a hornet’s buzz.

I wrote this poem using 21 images that came to mind after viewing the above picture. I incorporated them into an ABC poem where each line starts with a letter of the alphabet and ends with the next. For example, my first line starts with a and ends with b. The second line starts with c and ends with d. And, so goes the pattern to the end. Hope you enjoy.